Reactivating retail post coronavirus - HMY Group

Reactivating retail post coronavirus

Covid-19 have marked a before and after in the way people interact each other and in the shopping habits. For this reason, brands and retailers have to adapt forced marches to adapt their point of sales to this new reality.

In this new step, the retail is focused in protect the consumer and staff health so it’s implementing solutions focused in consumer safety, staff protection and product and point of sales disinfection.

Consumer safety

One of the top consumer concerns are their safety. Now, the consumer is raising questions such as the quantity of people who have touched a product, the establishment less crowded hours or last time the store was cleaned.
HMY have developed solutions to answer in the most reassured way to all these questions, the solutions highlighted are the following: gel and wipes dispensers, capacity control managers, thermal cameras temperature control, automatic systems to collect the shipment (Click&Collect) or unmanned store models (HMY Grab & Go).

Staff protection

For brands and retailers, staff protection is key and this is especially important in the store areas where the customer proximity make them more exposed such as counters or checkout areas. For this reason, one of the first product we lunch were the methacrylate screens in different configurations and shapes to adapt to client needs.
Other of the key solutions to staff protection giving guarantees to the client are the temperate control bracelets. This solution show in a visual way the people health.

Product and installations cleaning

In this new post-coronavirus reality, the most important is the point of sales will be a safe place so the solutions focus in space and product disinfection take absolute prominence.
UV light and ozone technologies play a leading role in clothes racks and store areas (fitting rooms) cleaning.
Our key product in this range is the Clean Tunnel, a hermetically closed tunnel with unidirectional handling to avoid cross contamination. This solution cleans a clothes rack full of clothes with ozone in 10 minutes.

If you need to adapt your point of sales to this new post-covid19 situation please contact us and we will make a personalize proposal adapted to your needs and space particularities.

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