Solutions for omnichannel in retail: 7 sins and 10 commandments

- All Retail digitisation strategies commit at least one or two sins. We present the 7 deadly sins that can condemn an omnichannel project.
- Download our guide and learn, not only the sins, but also the 10 commandments of a successful digitisation strategy.
Omnichannel and the digital transformation have been the subject of debate in retail for years.
After the first stage of development and technical tests, retail is now in a second stage, in which the digitisation of stores is a lever to achieve business objectives, beyond surprising the customer with audio-visual content.
What has it taken to get here?
Basically 2 factors:
- An evident technical improvement.
Polishing the developments and finding, or building, standards that allow sufficient scalability so that the costs are viable, and we can talk about ROI of technology at the point of sale.
2. Assimilation capacity and understanding of the potential business.
Brands and retailers understanding the possibilities of technology and, suppliers, understanding the retail sector. Moreover, together organising a digitisation strategy for their points of sale–which we give you the answers for in this article.
Having laid the foundation for your own digital transformation, this article and our downloadable guide present the 7 sins and 10 key commandments for successful point-of-sale transformation:
1st SIN: not measuring the ROI of technology due to laziness
2nd SIN: focusing on quantity instead of quality due to gluttony
3rd SIN: having multiple suppliers due to lust
4th SIN: making consumers angry with frustrating implementations
5th SIN: doing what the competition does out of jealousy
6th SIN: being too proud to collaborate
7th SIN: being too proud and thinking ‘I don’t need that’
Common mistakes? It may be, but just as not all business decisions are made based on ‘the rule book’, it is not uncommon to find that aspects left to chance or undefined at the start of a retail digitisation project result in discontinued technologies that are not profitable.
One of the obvious consequences of digitisation is that fewer brands and retailers commit these sins every day. Which is why it was necessary to internalise the 10 commandments that should serve as a guide:
1: Thou shall put the consumer first when making decisions.
2: Thou shall not take the word omnichannel in vain.
3: Thou shall honour integration.
4: Thou shall honour data.
5: Thou shall not kill the project before it has begun.
6: Thou shall not use impure technologies. Always bet on quality.
7: Thou shall not steal ideas. You shall be original.
8: Thou shall not create false expectations for the consumer.
9: Thou shall not allow bad quality content.
10: Thou shall not covet easy developments over necessary ones.
If you would like to know more about the sins and commandments of omnichannel in retail, download the Guide Keys to Omnichannel in Retail: 7 Sins and 10 Commandments, which explains what you have just read in more detail.